Primary Esperanto sources

Explore multiple high-quality sources from Esperanto publications around the world, including Scholar Articles, Esperanto Studies and more.


Recent books

This page showcases most significant recent books on Esperanto, its history, and the field of interlingual communication. For more information of a specific book or to purchase a copy, click on the cover image or title.

For a more detailed overview of the state-of-the-art scholarship in various fields of Esperantic Studies, see here.

A repository of scholarly articles on Esperanto, its role in education, its history, and overviews of Esperantic Studies.

Esperanto in the Media

Esperantic Studies

was published by the Esperantic Studies Foundation until 2006. The newsletter focused on reviewing a variety of scholarly events, meetings, research, publications and developments pertaining to Interlinguistics, Esperanto, world language problems and language planning. Historical issues of ES are available online.

Click here to access historical issues of the newsletter.